Sunday, January 11, 2009


Last night Dave and I went to the holiday lab party thrown by his group for all the many lab employees that make pathology run smoothly. We've attended every year since we've been here and Dave is usually the only pathologist there. It's a fun, eclectic group of people. I am getting to know many of the people who attend from previous years and from the blood donor dinner that Dave is in charge of every year.

This is the funny story though...last year a young girl who works in histology was at a table where Dave introduced me as his housekeeper. He said something about not being able to find a date and bringing me, his housekeeper, instead. I wasn't paying attention so I had no idea that was the joke. Well, the joke is on her because several months later someone mentioned "Dr. Newton's wife" and she was surprised to find out he was married already. She thought I was really the housekeeper and they made fun of her for ages. In fact, at the party this year I was referred to as the housekeeper MANY times.

One thing that is always funny to me at these things is the way EVERYONE calls Dave "Dr. Newton". I suppose he IS Dr. Newton but those of you who know him know what I mean when I say it is kind of funny. I am the woman behind the respected Dr. Newton, or at least his housekeeper! LOL


Rebecca Irvine said...

You are a good sport. I am not so sure I would react well if that is what my husband said! But it was funny that lady believed him.

Lori said...

That is funny! I guess after being married to him for all these years..nothing surprises you anymore? Maybe?

carrie said...

Dr. Dave sounds more like it doesn't it? Too funny. Tell Rach we all say happy birthday and Jake a very belated birthday. Next time we see you guys we'll have to go to an arcade, we love arcades!

Laura said...

Hahaha! So, does "Doctor Newton" owe his "housekeeper" a nice day at the spa now? ;o)

carrie said...

do you have bloggers block or what? Disney yes. We're putting money in a CD to let it grow till it's time to go. i can't wait.